Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hang in There!

Ever wonder why when you are cleaning up your nutrition, taking your supplement protocol to exact directions and you feel all tired, get joint pain, flu symptoms and maybe even a "rash"--just what the heck is going on?

Most every person that does the above has never heard of a "Jarisch-Herxheimer effect."  This effect is the result of diseased microorganisms in the body "die off" and the toxins need to be eliminated.  The body is getting  "healthier"  from the 90 essential nutrients. And the great part of this is that it is only TEMPORARY!  YAY!   

through advice from your Naturopathic physician, he/she may have you back off the amount of supplements that you are currently on for a brief time.  Or you may have to stop for a day or 2 till the reaction subsides and gradually over time increase the supplement amount until weight based limits reached.  We may modify the way you take them as well.

At any rate, your body is healing itself with the raw materials it requires! And I think that it is way better than any medicine.  

So "Hang in there!"

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