“Two Brains?”
It is not a far- fetched thought due to the miraculous ability of the brain-that it is able to reroute messages via other pathways when a part becomes injured or diseased. It has been postulated that when an area of the brain is 70% affected by illness including oxidative damage or lack of essential nutrients for optimal brain function, we see changes in health. Parkinson’s disease, dementia, seizures, multiple sclerosis and even Lou Gehrig’s disease are currently on the rise in the world. Alzheimer’s disease is in the top 5 costly diseases in the world. MS (multiple sclerosis) is more prevalent in the US and Canada than the entire world. But still we just keep doing test after test and giving pill after pill and another pill for the side effect of some, and give some pills for which they were not specifically designed for but may have some benefit. How smart is that! I feel like we are all guinea pigs.
When I originally blogged the Many Masks of MSG I had not come into contact with Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, MD. He is a board certified neurosurgeon, who has written books on the topic of Excitotoxins. As I read through one of them, Excitotoxins-the taste that kills, it just overwhelmed me about the information presented I hadn’t seen in the over 30 years in the medical field. Even in nursing school, we never discussed anything like this. How can we be involved in “holistic” medicine when all we knew was give the body the four food groups and we could be healthy? Well little did I learn that the US Senate Bill 264 1936(read it) …… was published to tell us that the nutritional value of foods had decreased over the years---but it wasn’t publicized? Remember how wonder bread “builds stronger bodies 12 ways”? Over the time the label changed to “builds stronger bodies 9 ways” Then after that there was no mention of that on the label at all! Consider the fact that wonder bread (which I consumed as a child) was probably un-building my body 12 ways if not more. Take the process for making flour white. The last two steps are bleaching the grain----that’s got to be good for the body, right? I have heard from more than 2 doctors the following statement:
“The whiter the bread the sooner you’re dead”.
Think about it…………………..
The nutrients have been processed out of the grain (and sold to the health food industry). Fortunately for some people today, they are reading labels for the ingredients and trying to make healthier choices of what they consume. But the labels can be misleading. Does one think when something contains natural flavoring it come from an organic source? Probably not, because any food flavoring can be chemically reproduced in a lab and be labeled as natural. Or when they boil vegetables in acid then skim the foam off the top, dry it and put it on the shelf as seasoning people think it’s ok to eat because some food brand we have come to rely on for quality has “pulled the wool over your eyes”. In Europe on October 9th, 2010, Non GMO foods were banned recently and all it took was action by the “people”! Major food producers had to change their formulations in a hurry if they wanted to turn a profit.
So the more processing and misleading labeling is leading to increased illnesses in this world. It is known that excess glutamate injected into mice causes seizures on the spot! Ever wonder why the medical doctor might say “I don’t know what caused them, but let’s just start using this medication to control them.” It’s not the MD’s fault for not knowing it could be some nutritional imbalance, heck because of Andrew Carnegie and Nelson Rockefeller via the Flexner Report, medical doctors lost out on training in nutrition that quite possibly have staved off type 2 diabetes, asthma, hypertension and obesity to name a few. Where would the economy be then? In a much better state I know. The US is touted as having the best health care in the world but we are rated 60th in life expectancy.
You know when I was in nursing school in the mid 1980’s, diseases like Alzheimer’s (AD), Lou Gehrig’s, MS and Parkinson’s were very rare. As time evolved their prevalence increased dramatically. In 1985 approx iamately 500,000 to 750,000 people were afflicted by Alzheimer’s although the differentiation with Dementia wasn’t really well defined. Currently the incidence of AD care costs over a trillion dollars. The only time you can literally diagnose AD is on autopsy. It was made known that there was damage to the neuron’s-nerve cells in the brain and the gaps between them, causing dark areas of “cellular garbage”, or senile plaques. That there were also “tangles” in the nerves of the brain.
Who was going to find the perfect brain conditioner to eliminate tangles and prevent “cellular garbage”? Dr. Blaylock a few MD’s and D.O’s and all Naturopathic physicians have devoted their time to identifying nutritional causes of the neurodegenerative disorders listed above. Other medical physicians MD’s, have devoted their time to either figuring out what pill you can take to manage the problem, or some surgical procedure to alleviate symptoms.
To turn these diseases around or stop their progression, how about some non-processed wholesome non-GMO foods. And due to the lack of nutritional value of our foods we now have to supplement with mineral, vitamin amino acid and essential fatty acids in proper amounts for our body weight before we get sick. Or take enough of these supplements to help us eliminate the root cause of the illness and give our bodies the raw materials to heal!
What a Novel Concept that is!
Research has shown the need for a balance of nutrients in the body for optimal function. In the brain the major fuels are glucose and oxygen, it consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen and 25% of its glucose, yet the brain makes up only 2% of our body’s weight. If we have too little or too much of glucose, changes in our levels of consciousness occur. Lack of oxygen=brain death in as little as 6 minutes.
But let’s take it a little further. In the junctions between nerve cells, called a synapse, there are some substances that are vital for these to communicate with each other. Since our bodies need to be in balance, all the blood that flows through our bodies also goes through our 3 pound universe-our brains. So our brains are not totally protected from the foods we eat and chemical bombardments, even environmental stressors. Again the necessity for all the essential nutrients to be ingested every day!
But let’s not forget that our myelin sheaths-the insulation for our nerve cells is comprised primarily of cholesterol. Most MD’s believe that a high level of cholesterol collected in our vessels is the cause of heart disease! So far from the truth-then they put you on a drug to reduce it, and then the nerves have trouble conducting impulses. They don’t realize the true culprit is --------inflammation! Then again MD’s will put people on steroidal drugs or non-steroidal drugs for this. So then because of steroids somebody’s blood sugar goes through the roof and maybe you end up with diabetes and not knowing what nutrients these drugs cause depletion of. So then what happens, something else breaks! And more medicines for those problems and more nutrient depletion and more breakdowns of body processes and more illness-the cascade continues!
Put on the Brakes People!
Unless you give the body 91 essential nutrients-because we Can’t get it from the foods we eat! We keep breaking down! Remember-the brain in its complexity sometimes suffers 70% damage in a certain area before symptoms appear!
Seek advice from a physician who bases their practice on science based nutrition!
A Naturopathic Physician!
They have the education and clinical expertise to deal with chronic illnesses. They will do for you what the allopathic physicians have not done for over 100 years! They will give you the best chance at recovery by giving the body what it needs! It is truly amazing!
So if you need advice, seek me out at: MDenningRN61@gmail.com and I will aid you in giving your body the BEST shot at recovery!
I am your steadfast advocate for optimal, natural health!
Mark Denning RN
Health Coach
90 For Life! www.youngevityonline.com/markdenning