Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shrek vs. puss in boots
Ever wonder as I do when you go to the hospital and the MD orders your medications while you’re there and also puts you on a multivitamin, vitamin C, folic acid and generally some zinc?  I wonder that perhaps they are of course boosting Big Pharma’s profit margins and why did they wait until someone got sick.
The majority of the times the people that are treated that way have a feeding tube in their stomach because possibly due to a stroke, they would choke or easily get pneumonia if they took it via their mouth.  They are already in a debilitated state, yet the MD doesn’t have a grasp of the requirements for the vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids they will require to possibly recover from their illness. So let’s take a look at where the RDA’s (recommended daily allowances) came from.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) was developed during World War II by Lydia J. Roberts, Hazel K. Stiebeling and Helen S. Mitchell, all part of a committee established by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in order to investigate issues of nutrition that might "affect national defense”. The committee was renamed the Food and Nutrition Board in 1941, after which they began to deliberate on a set of recommendations of a standard daily allowance for each type of nutrient. The standards would be used for nutrition recommendations for the armed forces, for civilians, and for overseas population who might need food relief. Roberts, Stiebeling, and Mitchell surveyed all available data, created a tentative set of allowances for "energy and eight nutrients", and submitted them to experts for review.  The final set of guidelines, called RDAs for Recommended Dietary Allowances, was accepted in 1941. The allowances were meant to provide superior nutrition for civilians and military personnel, so they included a "margin of safety." Because of food rationing during the war, the food guides created by government agencies to direct citizens' nutritional intake also took food availability into account.

The Food and Nutrition Board subsequently revised the RDAs every five to ten years. In the early 1950s, USDA nutritionists made a new set of guidelines that also included the number of servings of each food group in order to make it easier for people to receive their RDAs of each nutrient.


Applications include:
  • Food labels in the United States and Canada
  • Composition of diets for schools, prisons, hospitals or nursing homes
  • Industries developing new food stuffs
  • Healthcare policy makers and public health officials

In 1997, at the suggestion of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy, the RDA became one part of a broader, more detailed set of dietary guidelines, called the Dietary Reference Intake.

Current recommendations

The current Dietary Reference Intake recommendation is composed of:
  • Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of the people in that age group.
  • Reference Daily Intake (RDI), the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient to meet the requirements of nearly all (97–98%) healthy individuals in each life-stage and gender group.
  • Adequate Intake (AI), where no RDI has been established, but the amount established is somewhat less firmly believed to be adequate for everyone in the demographic group.
  • Tolerable upper intake levels (UL), to caution against excessive intake of nutrients (like vitamin D) that can be harmful in large amounts.
Wow! I think that’s a lot of info.  One of the things that came to mind was there any research into it and why did I never hear of any of these folks.

An article context in the prestigious JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association dated back in June 19, 2002 (Vol 287, No 23)

Context: Although vitamin deficiency is encountered infrequently in developed countries, inadequate intake of several vitamins is associated with chronic disease.
Guess they were trying to sound good.
The article goes on to say that each vitamins advantages/benefits were brought to light never mentioning that cofactors are needed for the absorption of these vitamins. And why does the United States claim they have optimal health care yet 1 out of 2 people suffer from some form of cancer?  Because Shrek needs more vitamins, minerals and and essential nutrients than puss in boots (just a size reference entirely).  The RDA does not account for this at all. It lists on a food label what’s in the product the amount of nutrients and there types. 
So let’s go back to the 1920’s when there were naturopathic and homeopathic medical schools.  Because of the efforts of Andrew Carnegie(steel guy) and Nelson Rockefellers desire to put their money where medical education should go, we lost the homeopathic and naturopathic schools.  They put their cash into allopathic medical schools.  Bet you didn’t know that Rockefeller kept his homeopathic doctor till the day he died!  What a hippocrite!  The Flexner report was a striking blow as to how medicine is practiced.  And with the advent of antibiotics in World war 1-nutrition was all but removed from medical school curriculum. 

Now it has come full circle-We are viewing the successes of naturopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic, acupuncture and chiropractic medicine.  But current research has shown that without the essential nutrients of life and the ability to NOT get them from the foods we eat WE SUFFER! And after 33yrs in the medical field in prehospital and nursing, this blows my mind!  Nothing my MD did when I was ill with hypertension, blood clots, diabetes type 2, and obesity except say take these medicines and lose weight.  I had to take charge of my health! 
I currently help anyone who desires to recover their health in a natural way.  We have the tools, the studies and the technology along with an incredible team of Doctors and nurses and alternative medicine professionals who are willing to help you regain optimal health. 
Keep an OPEN mind and I encourage all of you to get the amount of the 90(91) essential nutrients in proportion for weight and health challenges and stand back-----------the body will heal itself!

Vis Medicatrix Naturae!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

“The Commander”
Mark Denning RN
Health Coach

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Medicines deplete Nutrients

Medicines deplete Nutrients
Hey Doc, thanks for the medicine that made my blood pressure better! Thanks for the NSAID that took care of my knee pain. 
What might not be known are all the side effects of these medications?  The side effects commonly listed are stomach upset, nausea, and drowsiness just to name a few.  Also, depending on the medication, there are numerous side effects from them.  As a nurse, it is a challenge to remember all of them.   More recently in the time I have come to become knowledgeable in natural medicine, I have found that medicines also cause blockage of nutrients from being absorbed or depleted from the body.  Let’s look at some of the common medicines and their effects on nutrient depletion.
Lisinopril-a common medicine for blood pressure control, depletes zinc from the body.

Signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency include loss of appetite or sense of taste, growth retardation, skin changes, and increased susceptibility to infection
 NSAID’s:  Ibuprofen, Motrin, naprosyn, Lodine, Dolobid and many others. They can deplete the following nutrients:
Depleted levels of iron may lead to anemia and weakened immune function. In the event of anemia, symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath, pale skin color, and possibly irregular heartbeat.
Reduced levels of melatonin in the body have been associated with sleep disturbances and jet lag.
Vit B9(folic acid)
Reduced levels of folic acid have been linked to anemia, heart disease, and birth defects.
Signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency include loss of appetite or sense of taste, growth retardation, skin changes, and increased susceptibility to infection.
Beta blockers (Lopressor, Atenolol, zebeta, Toprol and others) deplete the following:
Coenzyme Q10
A deficiency of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 may be associated with chronic conditions including heart disease and high blood pressure. Symptoms of deficiency include muscle weakness and pain, gingivitis, and weakened immune function.

Reduced levels of melatonin in the body have been associated with sleep disturbances and jet lag.
Vitamin B1(Thiamine) 
Symptoms of depleted levels of thiamine include weakness, fatigue, anorexia, constipation, memory loss, confusion, and depression. Deficiency may lead to beriberi (a condition characterized by inflammation of nerves, heart irregularities, and fluid retention).

Vitamin D 
Vitamin D deficiency leads to abnormal bone formation (rickets) in children and softening of the bones (osteomalacia) in adults. Vitamin D deficiency interferes with calcium absorption, leading to deficiency of that nutrient with all of the associated symptoms, such as increased risk of fractures, osteoporosis (bone loss), and muscle weakness. More recently, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to compromised immunity, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Because this nutrient is fat soluble, prolonged periods of deficiency are required to produce these symptoms.

Now we know that most Americans take medicines and usually 2 or more. What does that tell you?  That many nutrients are being lost from our bodies!  These nutrients are the substances that regulate body processes.  So if we are already nutrient deficient and get a medicine that depletes nutrients even further what could happen?
The Medicine doesn’t work or causes a major side effect!
Wouldn’t it be easier to not suffer from side effects/ineffectiveness of medicines and just take the raw materials the body needs to repair, heal and maintain itself?  And have the knowledge to know why you are supporting your body and not “putting on a band aid” to suppress the symptoms?  Would a car mechanic cut the wire on a check engine light ------------No way!  He would fix the problem.  So when your knees hurt, have headaches, suffer from asthma or have an irregular heartbeat-----
Fix it!
How to do it:
1. Support your body and take the 91 essential nutrients you need!  You will feel better and your body will heal itself. 
2. Seek advice from a physician who specializes in this-----A Naturopathic physician! If you don’t know one--------Dr. Peter Glidden ---at  Distance is not an issue; he is just a phone call away!
3.  If you would like to get the “mighty 90”, go to: and sign up as a preferred customer—it’s free!  Discount prices on the finest and most effective products on the market today at affordable prices.  If you need assistance on which products to take, I can also advise you.

As always, I am a steadfast soldier in a mission to help those recover from suffering in a natural way. Remember, suffering is hard-but with the 90 for Life” (the mighty 90)----- 
                     Life is Beautiful and more enjoyable!
Mark Denning RN
Health Coach

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Healing Power of Nature

“Vis Medicatrix Naturae” (the healing power of nature)
As we march steadfast through the trenches of life to mount a successful attack on our “battle plan for a maximal health span”, it is necessary to know how our bodies survive without the” mighty 90”. Per Dr. Joel D Wallach BS, DVM, ND there is 4 phases we can put into perspective:
Initial depletion phase-In this phase, our bodies metabolism changes in relation to the mineral itself.  It is not detectable by any test- however we usually complain of a “lack of energy”.   Our body will start to utilize its reserves of the depleted mineral.  We can get pica or the “munchies” in a mild form.  This phase returns to normal quickly-thru getting all the essential minerals via supplementation.
Compensated Metabolic phase-this is characterized by a reduction of certain specific biochemical functions.  We see things like; low blood sugar, irregular heartbeat, loss of hair color, weight gain, mild obesity and others.  People become “chocoholics”, “cola addicts”.  Getting the mineral supplementation needed will quickly reverse these situations.  No more “pica or munchies”.
Decompensated metabolic phase-serious clinical symptoms occur at this point.  In metabolism we see pre-diabetes, significant weight gain and obesity.  Cognitively we see ADD and ADHD. Emotionally we see depression, bipolar, anger, anxiety attacks and “panic attacks” to name a few.  Developmentally we can see dyslexia, spina bifida, cleft lip, heart defects, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome.  Structurally muscular dystrophy, obesity and other symptoms.  We experience increased fatigue, loss of work stamina and reduction of longevity of of the species-America is currently behind at least 40 other countries in terms of life span, some are third world countries!  We spend trillions of dollars on health care every year yet we die faster than over forty other countries!  What are we doing for each other!  We are not enjoying life to its fullest when we don’t give our bodies what it needs!  Think of how much money we would save by being totally nutrified!  It boggles my mind, as I was not aware of these simple solutions to many health problems-including my own!  The commander has leaned out, no problems with my type 2 diabetes-as I now take no medications.  My energy level is much improved- hair and nails growing well-even to the point of some hair regrowth to the top of my head.  As I will describe later, we will see that so much damage can be done to our bodies that total recovery may not be possible.  But our bodies can recover from devastating things with the correct nutrients! 
The final phase is the clinical phase-this is “full blown” disease!  Arthritis, goiter, diabetes, cancer, cardiomyopathy even aneurysms.  People will even die during this phase.  In spite of this, a body can experience rapid restoration in as little as 48 hours to 30 days!  Provided it gets the proper minerals it needs.  We may need to get the advice of a “Naturopathic physician” to achieve this.  Some diseases may not be able to be helped due to the permanent chromosomal, biochemical, or gross physical damage that has occurred.

During the summer, my wife nikki and I took two one-hundred mile bike rides.  The first one on the 4th of July was fast-paced and in the rain.  We had not been on the minerals required for optimal performance.  As a result, we were quite sore.  The 2nd ride in late September after becoming nutrified with the “mighty 90” yielded no soreness at all!  Even 2 days later, there was no pain, stiffness-and it was a more strenuous ride that ended up being 103 miles.  I could describe many other instances of those who recovered from devastating illness due to the total nitrification process, and it is phenomenal.  The research has been done to prove these results. 
I challenge all of you to get minerally tanked up-it takes about on average 3 weeks if you are generally healthy. 
Don’t get to the clinical phase like I did-and if you are there, know that there are answers beyond medication. 
We do owe ourselves to enjoy life to its fullest without getting diseases that are easily preventable/reversible. 
As always email me at: I definitely can help you get the answers you need.  They are there.
Wishing all of you renewed health and wellness this holiday season, and thanks to Dr. Joel D Wallach BS, DVM, ND for your diligence and commitment for our health!
Mark Denning RN and Nikki Denning   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hypothyroidism 101

Hypothyroidism 101
Do you have the following symptoms?
1.       Depression
2.       Difficulty losing weight
3.       Dry skin
4.       Fatigue/lethargy
5.       Menstrual problems
6.       Recurrent infections
7.       Sensitivity to cold
If you have had blood tests:  
1.       Thyroid hormone low and TSH elevated you have primary hypothyroidism
2.       Thyroid hormone low and TSH low you have secondary hypothyroidism
General Facts
In order for the body to manufacture thyroid hormone, we need Iodine to combine with the amino acid taurine.
Hypothyroidism is usually developed in adulthood.
An iodine deficiency are rare in the United States, but was put in table salt as far back as 1924 when a large population in Michigan developed goiter (47%).
Foods that block utilization of iodine are called goitrogens, they are:
1.       Turnips
2.       Cabbage
3.       Mustard
4.       Cassava root
5.       Soybeans
6.       Peanuts
7.       Pine nuts
8.       Millet
Cooking these can inactivate the substance that blocks utilization of iodine.
Most frequent cause of hypothyroidism is an inflammatory response called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This prevents manufacture of thyroid hormone and affects other glands in the body such as the adrenal, pancreas and acid producing cells in the stomach.

Manifestations in the body of hypothyroidism:
1.       Decreased use of protein, fat and carbohydrates
2.       Increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels
3.       Increased capillary permeability
4.       Decreased lymphatic drainage leading to edema or swelling.
Endocrine-most noted symptoms
1.       Loss of libido in men
2.       Menstrual abnormalities in women
3.       Increased number of miscarriages, stillbirths and premature deliveries.  Rarely a normal pregnancy seen. 
Skin, Hair and Nails
1.       Dry, rough skin covered with fine superficial scales is seen in most cases of hypothyroidism.
2.       Hair is coarse, dry and brittle.
3.       Hair loss is quite severe
4.       Finger and toenails thin, brittle and typically have transverse grooves in them.
1.       Depression, fatigue and weakness usually seen first.
2.       Difficulty concentrating and memory impairment later.
1.       Muscle weakness
2.       Muscle soreness
3.       Muscle, joint pain and tenderness also.
1.       Hypertension
2.       Decreased heart rate
3.       Atherosclerosis
1.       Shortness of breath
2.       Constipation
3.       Impaired kidney function

Diagnosing hypothyroidism

Basal body temperature-temperature taken upon awakening from sleep.  Menstruating females should perform it on 2nd, 3rd and 4th day of their cycle.  If post menopausal, anytime is ok.  Males can do it anytime.
The process is as follows:
1.       Shake thermometer to below 95 degrees Fahrenheit and set it on table beside bed.
2.       Upon arising, place it in armpit for 10mins-Don’t move!
3.       Record temperature date on a log.
4.       Do it for more than 3 days.
5.       Normal temp should be between 97.6-98.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Conversely, you may have hyperthyroidism (just the opposite of hypothyroidism) if your basal body temperature is greater than 98.6.  You may see the following symptoms:
1.       “Bulging” eyeballs
2.       Fast pulse
3.       Hyperactivity
4.       Can’t gain weight
5.       Insomnia-difficulty sleeping
6.       Nervousness
Menstrual problems if female
Supplementation/care for hypothyroidism is as follows:
1.       Healthy aging pack for body weight(healthy start pack plus cell shield.
2.       Ocean’s Gold – 2 caps per day, 1 in morning and 1 in evening.
3.       Selenium- potent antioxidant/trace mineral.  Helps conversion of T4 to T3.  3 caps per day minimum.  If more than 180lbs, 6 per day.
4.       Gluten free diet!  Go to and view “Against the Grain” for an explanation.
5.       Avoid cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant and brussel sprouts! (watch goitrogenic foods listed above)

Let’s beat the cause of hypothyroidism, not just put on a “Band-Aid”

Feel free to contact me at:
Mark Denning RN, Health Coach

Sunday, November 6, 2011

(Gastroesophageal reflux disease)

How many times have you or someone you know complain of heartburn?  Did your MD prescribe Nexium, Protonix, Pepcid, Prevacid, Zantac or Pepcid?  There are other drugs that treat this condition as well maybe even cause it?
As we age our bodies slow down its processes because it lacks the raw materials to support optimal health.  The stomach lacks some of the hydrochloric acid to help digest foods.  Adequate acid is needed to break down food into a liquid that passes into the small intestine for absorption.  If we don’t break foods down, and pass larger particles into the small intestine-we can get “leaky gut”.  And that just opens up a whole lot of chronic illness possibilities right there.
We shouldn’t confuse this with peptic ulcer disease though.  That is where there is an erosion of the stomach lining.  What has been found recently in 70-90% of duodenal and stomach ulcer patients is a bacterium called H.pylori .  This bacterium increases your risk of insufficient stomach acid secretion, ulcers and stomach cancer.  The MD’s usually put you on a course of antibiotics and perhaps something similar to Pepto-Bismol for about a week or more.  But many folks don’t want to do this however, and here are some solutions for insufficient stomach acid production.
1.       Eliminate the most common causes of heartburn------fried foods, too much fat, processed meat with nitrates or nitrites in them.  Too much sugar, alcohol, chocolate, stress and even clothes that fit too tight around the waist.  People that over eat, are obese and are pregnant put too much pressure on the esophageal muscle.  With pregnancy, as the hormone levels change this in turn relaxes all the muscles in the body including the esophageal ones.
2.       Eat a balanced diet, try to go organic.  For an excellent discussion on a proper nutrition protocol, go to and click on “against the grain”. It takes only 15 minutes to view --- and it will definitely change your outlook on how you should eat. 
3.       Supplements-again as we age the production of stomach acid decreases.  The foods that we do eat aren’t as potent as they were 50 years ago.  This means we don’t get the nutrients we need from them.  Again simple things that we take for granted as “normal aging”, such as gray hair, arthritis, dry-wrinkled skin, age spots are really our bodies running short on essential nutrients.  Again my colleague, Dr Peter Glidden ND at has webinars on his website that addresses solutions to all health concerns. 
4.       Add salt to your diet.  That’s right!  The normal acid strength in our stomach is strong enough to burn right thru our hands if it were taken via a tube and placed on it.  Its name is hydrochloric acid.  As salt has sodium chloride in it, it definitely has capacity to help replace it.  A recommendation to use iodized sea salt (Morton’s has one) can have multiple health benefits.
5.       Calcium has been proven to help almost 150 different illnesses.  Of course the calcium is not taken alone due to what are deemed cofactors-nutrients/substances that are needed for its maximal absorption/function.  Your medical doctor is not the authority on this subject-but a naturopathic physician is. Calcium aids in the function of the muscle that opens to the small intestine allowing food to pass for the absorption phase.
6.       Drink adequate water- but avoid any ice cold drinks especially with meals.  Drinking more than 2 ounces or ice cold drinks cause the food to pass into the small intestine without adequate digestion by congealing  it causing the acid and digestive enzymes  to be ineffective. In the book,” The Bodies Many Cries for Water” by   F. Batmanghelidj water is an important nutrient to maintain the integrity of the stomach lining. 

I had a colleague who is an RN who had GERD and was taking nexium.  I recommended to stop drinking ice water and place more salt in her diet (she had no other health issues).  In approximately 1 week she stated she no longer needed her Nexium.

Again by supporting the body with all 90 essential nutrients in correct amounts we can prevent and potentially eliminate illness.  Our bodies have miraculous recuperative powers.  As my other colleague Dr Joel D. Wallach BS, DVM, ND stated and has proven with over 20 million dollars of seminal research:
“One sentence has killed more people than all the wars in American history…You get all the nutrition you need from the four food groups.” – Dr. Joel D. Wallach BS, DVM, ND.
I invite you to send questions or comments to:


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who is the Commander?


Who is the Commander? 

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my website! My name is Mark Denning.  Due to the past changes in my life, I feel motivated to share things with you.  One thing that I discovered is that the human body is awesome.  Its recuperative, healing powers are incredible.  This was emphasized by a hospitalization I had and the three weeks following it.  I had much time to reflect rest and become more informed as to the changes in my body with new health situations.  I have been a nurse for over twenty years.  And in that time, I have learned a little bit about many things.  Diagnosed as a diabetic and with a genetic blood clotting disorder, I had to learn much more than I ever knew to cope with my illness. 
Perhaps it could be as my colleague; Cherie Pepping described it as an “Epiphany” that had changed my life for the better.  Before being hospitalized, I had begun the road to enhanced wellness.  But deep inside, my body was gearing up for the scariest event that I would ever experience.  It took a skin infection in my leg to set the “ball rolling”.  It cascaded from there, and I even ended up in intensive care.  Being a nurse, we are sometimes characterized as not being an “optimal” patient.  So I had to assume the patient role.  I felt so ill that it was not difficult to be an “optimal” patient. 
Thankful to the members of the critical care transport team where I work, they assisted the physicians as to the fact that a “sleep apnea test” was desperately needed. I cannot be thankful enough to the team for ensuring the “commander” would one day be back on an ambulance.  I really thought a career change would have to be made.  But it was not needed.
During the time I was away from my job, my company had restructured, closed two stations, and people were concerned with their job status. In today’s economy, there is great anxiety, animosity, and general unrest.  It has been proven that stress can have a mild to severe effect on our bodies.  We are constantly thinking how to relieve this stress.  Some people may smoke, drink alcohol, and eat comfort foods that are high fat and high calorie.  These things may provide temporary, short term good feelings.  But in essence, the more we use these things to cope with stress we are really putting a burden on our bodies to be in “balance”.
One of the easiest things to do is to adjust the way we eat.  The food pyramid has been modified to inform people on the proper nutrition to fuel our bodies and our minds and now being gluten-free.  Fortunately with the nutrition changes that I had made before going in the hospital, my consult by a registered dietician was the easiest of all.  In fact she said “Mark keep going what you are doing”.  I was relieved to know that I was doing something right.  Further, after I met Dr. Peter Glidden ND and Dr Joel Wallach my health has reached a level that the MD's never could help me in a way through the use of NO medications!  I wanted to fire my MD, but he would'nt seee me anymore.  No worries!  I have total control of my health that was devastated 4 years ago. 
So in the spirit of preserving the human body and spirit, I will offer to my brothers and sisters blogs on wellness.  We will discuss things such as what to eat, how to rest effectively and detoxify our bodies to name a few. People that have achieved successes with adding wellness to their lives will also be featured.  Also putting tools in the “tool box of life” on coping effectively with stressors. No matter where you are in life we need to be aware of these things.  I would invite you to submit questions and ideas as to topics important to you.
Have an awesome and blessed day!

In The bible in Romans 12:1-2 Paul wrote:  And so my brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind he would find acceptable.  This is truly the way to worship him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. 

All of you are in my prayers-let us become more knowledgeable towards taking personal control of our  health and wellness!